The 2nd Kisan Agritech Mela organized by four Krishi Vigyan Kendras (Leh, Nyoma, Kargil and Zanskar) of Ladakh region was inaugurated on 11th of August 2024.
Publish Date : 13/08/2024
The 2ndKisanAgritech Mela organized by four KrishiVigyan Kendras (Leh, Nyoma, Kargil and Zanskar) of Ladakh region was inaugurated today on 11th of August 2024 at KVK Stakna Leh by Prof.(Dr.) Nazir Ahmad Ganai,Hon’ble Vice Chancellor SKUAST-K who was the Chief guest and Prof. (Dr.) Dil Mohd. Makhdoomi, Director Extension SKUAST-K was the guest of honour on the occasion.The programme started with the welcome address by, Dr.Feroz Din Sheikh, Professor & Head KVK Leh. He said that Ladakh has a unique ecosystem compare to the rest of the world. Ladakh was dependent on livestock and agriculture farming since from ages with the first business as buttering system. Prof. (Dr.) DilMohd. Makhdoomi, Director Extension SKUAST-K appreciated the KVKs of Ladakh for organizing the grand Mela. He thanked the farmers for participating in large number from all the blocks of Ladakh. He said that the Ladakh will be bowl of vegetable and fruits in near future. He also said that value addition of Pashminas and valued added products have a great marketing scope in Ladakh due to the rising of tourism industry in this region. He also added that value added product must be with proper packaging and marketing. Hon’ble Vice Chancellor SKUAST-K in his address shared that Ladakh was bereft of the advantages of Green Revolution in 1960s due to the non-suitability of those technologies to the climate and terrain of Ladakh. He added that the research carried out by the SKUAST and KVK centres in the context of Ladakh along with the collaboration of the local communities has revamped farming and agriculture in Ladakh.Sharing the vision of SKUAST for Ladakh, he added that Ladakh would be turned into the largest food producer in North India with the adoption of modern technologies With the adoption of modern technologies Ladakh would turn in to a largest food producer. Agriculture tools and items under various projects were distributed among the farmers. Also awards were given to the best progressive farmers (Horticulture), Best Agri Entrepreneur and Best stall. About 30 stalls displaying agriculture product tools and machineries, handloom and handicraft products, food products were installed by different entrepreneurs, SHGs, line departments (agriculture, horticulture and sheep departments) along with several agri-entrepreneurs. The primary objective of this event is to provide a platform for farmers to showcase their produce, learn about the latest agricultural technologies, and engage with the experts in the field. Farmers, Entreprenuers in the field of agriculture/livestock and private companies are expected to participate in Mela. The programme ended with the vote of thanks from Dr.Phuntosg Tundup, Head KVK Nyoma.