Ladakh region as a whole has a long tradition of growing horticulture produce unique to its Geo climatic condition. Apricot is the most important and popular crops with Halman, Raktsey Karpo, Narmo and khantey as main local cultivators, spread over an estimated area of 942 hectares with an annual production estimated as 5059 MT. Next to apricot is the Apple crop with Karkechu, Mongol, Thaetc as the main local cultivators, although several, new cultivators viz red delicious, golden delicious, royal delicious, etc. too have been introduced spread over an estimated area of 572.65 hectares with an anuual production of 3221.26 MT and are coming up to the expectation of masses.
Over the past few decades, both governmental efforts and farmers’ initiatives have significantly boosted the production of apricots and apples. Several new varieties of apples have been successfully introduced, and horticultural production has expanded to other areas of the district. Furthermore, the adoption of improved technologies and value addition initiatives has enhanced the economic returns for fruit growers. To further increase productivity, the Department has introduced high-density plantations in recent years.
To transform the whole scenario of Horticulture by way of using latest technology/research and innovative ideas for bringing remunerative prices of the produce and ensuring sustainable development of the population with due regard to the natural resources and conservation of fragile environment.