
Who’s Who

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Animal Husbandry

Name Designation Address Phone
Dr. Stanzin RabgaisChief Animal Husbandry OfficerAnimal Husbandry Department Leh


Name Designation Address Phone
Sh. Thinles DawaChief Agriculture OfficerAgriculture Officer, Near Moti Market Leh9622181920


Name Designation Address Phone
Sh. Inzar Ahmad, KASARTO, LehARTO Office, Agling Leh


Name Designation Address Phone
Sh. Santosh Sukhadeve, IASDeputy Commissioner/CEODC Office Leh01982-252010
Sh. Tsewang GyalsonChief Planning OfficerDC Office Leh9419218731
Sh. Shabir HussainAssistant Commissioner RevenueDC Office Leh
Smt. Tundup AngmoAccounts OfficerAccounts Section, DC Office Leh
Sh. Ghulam MohdAdditional Deputy CommissionerDC Office Leh01982-252049
Sh. Tashi TondupDistrict Informatics Officer/Scientist-CNIC District Centre, DC Office Complex, Leh01982-252632


Name Designation Address Phone
Jigmet NamgyalInternal Audit OfficerCCF, LAHDC Leh9419770002

Degree College

Name Designation Address Phone
Ms. Sameena IqbalPrincipalGovt. Degree College Leh9419983243

District Fund

Name Designation Address Phone
Smt. Jigmat Namgail JKASDistrict Fund Officer, Leh9419770002
Stanzin DonsalAccounts OfficerDistrict Fund Office, Leh9596944336

District Library

Name Designation Address Phone
Lobzang TsewangDistrict LibrarianDistrict Library Leh9419346313


Name Designation Address Phone
Sh. Sonam Dorjey NamgialChief Education OfficerEducation Department Leh9419178469
Sh. Chetan DorjeyPrincipal DIETDIET Leh


Name Designation Address Phone
Ruth MaryAssistant DirectorFCS & CA department, Office Complex, Skampari Leh01982-252376


Name Designation Address Phone
Sh. Mohd. Amin LoneAssistant Director FisheriesFisheries Department, Leh9419342851


Name Designation Address Phone
Mohd AliDivisional Forest OfficerForest Department Leh9419844303


Name Designation Address Phone
Sh. Anjil Singh, JKASAssistant DirectorHandicrafts Deptment, Leh


Name Designation Address Phone
Sh. Imtisaal Rasool JKASAssistant DirectorHandloom Department Leh


Name Designation Address Phone
Tsewang PhunchokChief Horticulture OfficerHorticulture Department Leh01982-252920


Name Designation Address Phone
Sh. A.G. ZargarProgramme OfficerICDS, Leh


Name Designation Address Phone
Sh. Thinles WangchukSuperintendent, Industrial Training Institute, LehITI Leh


Name Designation Address Phone
Delex NamgyalAsstt Labour CommissionerLabour Department Leh9419144996


Name Designation Address Phone
Mohd TaqiExecutive EngineerMechanical Division Leh7051115591


Name Designation Address Phone
Tajamul AraDistrict Youth CoordinatorNehru Yuva Kendriya Leh9419178602


Name Designation Address Phone
Tsewang PaljorExecutive EngineerElectric Project Division, PDD Leh9419179868
G.Ahmed MirChief EngineerSE Ladakh, PDD Choglamsar Leh8491087034
Tundup SpalzangExecutive EngineerSub Transmission Division, PDD Leh9419177464


Name Designation Address Phone
Talat MahmoodPrincipal9419022739


Name Designation Address Phone
Dr. Tsewang ThinlasExecutive Engineer SSD NubraPWD SSD, Nubra9419176866
Muroop DorjayExecutive Engineer SSD NyomaPWD SSD, Nyoma
Gulam NabiExecutive EngineerSpecial Sub Division Khaltsi9419178405
Er. Nisar AhmadExecutive EngineerConstruction Division, PWD Leh9419176257
Tsering AngchukExecutive EngineerR & B Division Leh9419177607
Verinder KhajuriaExencutive EngineerI & FC Division, Leh9419262456
N.N.RainaExecutive Engineer PHEPHE Division, Council Office Complex, Leh9419145749

Rural Development

Name Designation Address Phone
SkalzangExecutive EngineerREW, ACD Office Leh9419952577
Zakir HussainDistrict Panchayat OfficerDPO Office, ACD Office Complex, Leh9419562598

Sheep Husbandry

Name Designation Address Phone
Tundup NamgailDistrict Sheep Husbandry Officer9419658599

Social Welfare

Name Designation Address Phone
Sh. Inzar RanaDistrict Social Welfare OfficerSocial Welfare Department Leh

Soil Conservation

Name Designation Address Phone
Mohd AliDivisional Soil Conservation OfficerSoil Conservation Division, Leh9419844303

Stats & Evaluation

Name Designation Address Phone
Tsewang NorbuAssistant DirectorDistrict Sts & Evaluation Officer, Leh9469270041


Name Designation Address Phone
Ms. Tsering SpalzesAssistant DirectorTourism Department Leh01982-252297
Sonam ChosjorChief Executive OfficerTourism Development Authority, Leh


Name Designation Address Phone
Sh. Sukhdeep Singh JKASDistrict Treasury OfficerDistrict Treasury Leh7006120424


Name Designation Address Phone
Sh. Pankaj Raina, SFSWildlife WardenWildlife Department Leh9419168155
Name Designation Address Phone
Smt. Jigmat Namgail JKASDistrict Fund Officer, Leh9419770002
Sh. Tsewang GyalsonDeputy Director, Evl. & Sts.
Dr. Tundup NamgailAsstt Director, DIPR, LehLeh9419658599
Sh. Tsewang GyalsonDeputy Director, Evl. & Sts

Command Area Development Leh

Name Designation Address Phone
Mr Thinles DawaDeputy Director9622181820

Cooperative Department

Name Designation Address Phone
Dr Mohd AbassDeputy Registrar Cooperative9906349061

Cultural Academy

Name Designation Address Phone
Tsewang PaljorDy Secretary/SOCA G19419218232

District Motor Garages

Name Designation Address Phone
Dr. Zulfiqar Ali, KASDeputy Director9419627990

Drugs and food control organization

Name Designation Address Phone
Thamchos GurmeetAssistant Commissioner Food Safety leh.8492924050
Mohd BashirAssistant Drugs Controller/Controlling Authority9906990563

Employment and Counselling Department

Name Designation Address Phone
Delex Namgyal KASDeputy Director9419144996

Health and Family Welfare Department

Name Designation Address Phone
Dr Norzin AngmoChief Medical Officer9906992113

Irrigation and flood control division leh

Name Designation Address Phone
Er. Ghulam MohidinExecutive Engineer9419812833

Jkbose Leh

Name Designation Address Phone
Tashi TundupAssistant Secretary6005246769

Legal Metrology Leh

Name Designation Address Phone
Ishey PunchokAssistant Controller8082334739

Municipal Committee Leh

Name Designation Address Phone
Stanzin RabgaisExecutive Officer9797627784

Youth Services and Sports

Name Designation Address Phone
Tsering TashiDistrict Youth Services and Sports Officer Leh9623975552