- Notice: Tender Notice for Bid Submission on Paid Parking Lots – Municipal Committee, Leh 2025.
- Executive Engineer ,Electric Distribution Division Leh invites online e-bids for supply of line material, maintenance of HT LT lines and substation network in Leh District.
- Executive Engineer ,Electric Distribution Division Leh invites online e-bids for Rate Contract for improvement, stabilization and maintenance of HT/LT Lines and Sub-stations in Leh District.
- Executive Engineer ,Electric Distribution Division Leh invites online bids for Rate Contract for Repair and Reclamation of Damaged Distribution Transformer in leh
- Notification on Constitution of Local Complaints Committee for Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace(Prevention ,Prohibition and Redressal ) Act 2013.
- Notice: e-Tender Notice for Annual Rate Contract – Supply of HSD Tanker Services in Leh (2025-26).
Har Ghar Tiranga

Hon'ble Chairman/Chief Executive Councillor, LAHDC Leh
Advocate Tashi Gyalson

District Magistrate/Deputy Commissioner/ CEO LAHDC Leh
Sh. Santosh Sukhadeve, IAS